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Measure H Citizen Oversight Committee


We are looking for dedicated and passionate community members to serve on our Measure H Citizen Oversight Committee. This is a unique opportunity to contribute your skills, experience, and perspective to ensure public funding is being utilized as outlined in Measure H.

**Candidates MUST live within the Keyes Fire Protection District boundaries**

Ideal Candidates Should Have:

  • Relevant Background and Experience: Expertise in finance, construction, or fire services is highly desired.
  • Community Involvement: A strong connection to and engagement with the local community.
  • Ethical Commitment: A dedication to transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior.

Tell Us About Yourself:

If you're interested, please submit a brief statement about:

  1. Your Background: Share your professional or personal experience.
  2. Relevant Expertise: Highlight your knowledge in finance, construction, or fire service, if applicable.
  3. Community Contributions: Describe your past or current involvement in community initiatives.
  4. Your Motivation: Explain why you want to serve on the committee and how you can make a difference.

Why Join?

Serving on the Citizen Oversight Committee is your chance to:

  • Provide valuable insights and guidance on important decisions.
  • Collaborate with other passionate members of our community.
  • Advocate for ethical and transparent practices.


Friday March 21st, 2025, at 5:00pm

Join us in making a meaningful impact on our community. We look forward to hearing from you!


Instructions: Please complete all sections of this application. Incomplete applications may not be considered. Submit the completed form by

Personal Information




Professional and Personal Experience

Do you have experience in any of the following areas?


I certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submitting false information may disqualify me from consideration.
Confirm e-Signature
Read our Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure
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